| ISBN assignment
Instructions for assigning an ISBN
ISBN (International Standard Book Numbering) is a unique international identifier of a publication and is a mandatory element. The ISBN system in the Czech Republic is managed by the National Library of the Czech Republic - the National ISBN Agency in the Czech Republic.
TUL as a part of the ISBN system acts as a publisher, ie. as an organization that is responsible for the content and that also bears the risk of making the publication available.
TUL performs the following functions through its VPT workplace:
- ISBN block management
- is responsible for assigning an ISBN to a publication,
- is responsible for the correctness of the assigned ISBN,
- informs the ISBN agency of the assigned ISBNs,
- keeps records of assigned ISBNs,
- ensures the publication of ISBNs and titles to which they have been assigned.
When and how to apply for an ISBN:
- The ISBN is assigned by the VPT on the basis of the completed and signed Proposal for Issue form (the link will be over timelink na návrh bude doplněn. The forms will be available for download in a few days.)
What a publication must meet in order for an ISBN to be assigned:
- The assignment of ISBN numbers is governed by ČSN ISO 2108 Information and documentation - International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN) and the User's Guide for ISBN systems.
Some of the most important principles:
The ISBN is listed on the back of the title page in the form:
- ISBN 978-80-XXXX-XXX-X (ie with ISBN abbreviation and without colon)
- A separate ISBN must be assigned to each new edition of the book.
- A separate ISBN must be assigned to each different form in which the title is published or produced (eg: a different ISBN will have a hardcover and a different paperback, a different printed ISBN, and a different electronic edition, etc.). For an electronic publication, each ISBN will have a separate ISBN (eg: .ePub, .pdf, .html, .lit).
- Appendices and supplements to the book (eg plans, audio and video cassettes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, etc.) will receive the same ISBN as the book.
- The reprint, ie the edition of the book by mechanical reproduction from its original typesetting, published by the same publisher, receives the same ISBN number of the basic edition. However, if the reprint has been made for another publisher and the details are given in the book, the reprint is considered a new title and the book receives a new ISBN. It must always be stated which is a reprint of the multiple edition (eg: Reprint of the 1st edition).
- If one book is published in different languages, then each language version will receive its own ISBN. The book lists the ISBNs of all language versions. The ISBN number of a specific title is listed first, followed by the ISBN number of the other language versions in any order, with the additional information given in parentheses after the relevant ISBN.
ISBN 978-80-7494-123-4
ISBN 978-80-7494-124-5 (ed. Ed.)
ISBN 978-80-7494-125-6 (German ed.)
What else needs to be thought about?
Please do not forget to mention in the proceedings:
- TUL faculty logo
- year of publication: on the back of the title page, state the sentence “Published by the Technical University of Liberec” and the year of publication in addition to the ISBN number.
- imprint: the imprint of a publication, usually located at the end of the publication, should include:
- title of the work
- the names of the authors whose works are included in the publication
- the name of the publisher and its registered office
- year of first issue, if known
- in the case of translated works, the original title of the work and the designation of the edition from which the translation was made
- identification of the copyright holder
- the name and registered office of the producer of the publication and the year in which the publication was published
It may also contain:
- issue number
- number of pages
- the amount of costs
- editor etc.
- pattern see (link will be added)
- a barcode (generated ISBN) must be inserted on the back of the envelope
- Mandatory copies and standing order of libraries in the Czech Republic in case of publication of a non-salable publication: within 4 days of publication, the submitter shall submit the appropriate number of copies of the publication (according to the Proposal for Publication…) to VPT. In the case of an online publication, it is necessary to send the VPT the text of the online publication
in a non-rewritable format, which the VPT will submit to the National Library of the Czech Republic.
In case of non-compliance with the above conditions, the editor / author will ensure the download of the proceedings, resp. correction in all copies.